Title of the Project: „Microfluidic cells for high-throughput multiple response analyses”

Project Acronym: UPTURN


The Upturn project aims to develop first-of-its-kind, multiparametric instrumentation equipment integrating microfluidic electrochemical cells and advanced microelectrodes materials. The developed instrumentation will be compatible with other in situ analysis technologies such as UV-Vis, FTIR/IR, Raman, NMR, and ultra-fast laser spectroscopy. The main vision is to develop a powerful yet flexible research tool that is open to the customization of all its components, experimental conditions, and downstream analysis by users. We envision that such tools will revolutionize the practice of laboratory analysis in the future. 

A new, interdisciplinary, international research group was formed to implement this project and to achieve a high synergy of competences. The group is based on a consortium of the redox.me branch (Poland), the Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS (Poland), Gdańsk University of Technology (Poland), and SINTEF (Norway).

The project provides an excellent environment for training and educating young researchers and a platform for gaining early career experience within multidisciplinary, innovative industrial research settings.

Work Packages:

WP No. WP TitleWP leader
1Microfluidic cellsElizaveta Vereshchagina Ph.D.
2Development and testing of electrode materialsProf. Robert Bogdanowicz, PhD, DSc EE
3Readout platformPaweł Jerzy Wójcik Ph.D.
4System integrationPaweł Jerzy Wójcik Ph.D.
5Demonstrator 1Martin Jönsson-Niedziolka Associate professor, dr hab.
6Demonstrator 2Prof. Robert Bogdanowicz, PhD, DSc EE

The UPTURN project is implemented under Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2014 – 2021, via the National Centre for Research and Development, based on contract no: NOR/POLNOR/UPTURN/0060/2019.

Project budget: PLN 6 845 399,85
Funding: PLN 6 330 999,88

Co-financing from the state budget is PLN 949 649,98 (15%) under the Programme “Applied research”.

Leader of the international consortium:
redoxme AB sp. z o.o. Oddział w Polsce

Entities of international project consortium:
redoxme AB sp. z o.o. Oddział w Polsce
Microsystems and Nanotechnology Department (MiNaLab), SINTEF AS
Wydział Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej
Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences

Project duration:
01.11.2020 – 30.04.2024